Through the school’s extra-curricular, field-trips, family events, and the after-school program, learning is expanded beyond just the four walls of the classroom. King’s Corner School believes in enriching students with a variety of experiences as well as contributing to the different communities that they are involved in. The school also recognizes that childhood is a time to have fun and that relaxation and play are vital to learning and growth.
Parents are an integral part of school life. We believe at KCS that parents are the greatest contributors to a child’s overall wellbeing over any other person in authority or care over them. Parents are invaluable to the development of their children. At KCS, we believe our role is to partner with parents, not overshadow them. We desire to be a resource, a support to our parents and to offer all the assistance we can in helping them fulfill their God given role of Mother and Father. KCS students need their parents, our school needs our parents, they are the very key to our success and we hold their role in high esteem.
A Christ-centered environment where kids:
- Feel – safe, valued, loved, free to be themselves, and great sense of belonging.
- Build lasting friendships through daily and consistent small groups with the same kids. (a safe space for prayer & ministry to take place).
- Build lasting mentor relationships with program leaders and volunteers.
- Cultivate Godly character through fun lessons, incentives, & group challenges.
- Discover God’s Word through weekly lesson with fun weekly themes, illustrations, & games that follow up and build all week long.
- Enjoy “just being a kid” free play time through indoor/outdoor recreational fun & games.
- Enjoy healthy snacks, fun treats, special themed days & activities.
- Participate in scheduled classes/events that pique their interest in multiple areas such as: art, sports, music, cooking, dance, gardening, handy skills, STEM projects, building, crafts, and much more! (These will be led by amazing volunteers who want to give of their talents and abilities to teach kids a new skill or activity).
- Will most importantly, experience Jesus’ love for them, as The Gospel is woven into every facet of the after school program!
Whether in P.E. classes or soon-to-come afterschool sports, the King’s Corner School athletic program will teach skill acquisition, physical fitness, fair play, good sportsmanship, camaraderie, and teamwork. Though participation is more highly valued than winning, a healthy spirit of competition is encouraged.
Our sports teams will be co-ed for elementary school and all students are welcome in all sports offered (there are no cuts). As our school develops, we desire to add more sports throughout the years to come.